Like many people, I have sensitive skin and tend to suffer from occasional  bouts of dryness.

Over the last few months, possibly due to changes in the seasons, my skin has developed some very dry and sore patches which I’ve been trying to treat using a drop of pure argan oil before bedtime several times a week. This has helped but dryness still exists so I decided I needed a deeper treatment for my skin.

After researching what combination of ingredients would work best to relieve the dryness, I settled on mixing vitamin and mineral rich avocado with bacteria fighting honey. This winning combination is super nourishing, quick and cheap to make.

Benefits of using avocado on your skin:

Anti-ageing – the antioxidants in avocado help to detoxify your skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles by making your skin more supple and plump.

Moisturising – the healthy fatty acids and vitamins in avocados are great for nourishing dry skin.

Affordable – you only require half an avocado or less, making them far cheaper than an expensive facial.

Vitamin-rich – packed with vitamin A, B, E and K; avocado really is a superfood for your face.

Benefits of using honey on your skin:

Antibacterial – honey is a natural antibacterial, making it a great treatment for acne prone skin.

Anti-ageing – the antioxidants and natural healing agents in honey help to keep skin youthful.

Hydration – Honey helps to the skin to absorb and lock in moisture, keeping your skin hydrated for longer

sliced avocado

honey and avocado face mask mix

Avocado & Honey Face Mask


1/3 mashed ripe avocado

1 tbsp honey – raw honey is the best to buy but if it’s out of your price range then just buy 100% pure honey


  1. Mash the avocado in a bowl
  2. Add a tablespoon of honey and mix the two ingredients together
  3. Apply the face mask with your fingers to your face
  4. Leave for 20 minutes
  5. Rinse off with warm water. I recommend using your hands to rinse off most of the face mask and then using a damp cloth to thoroughly clean any remaining residue


After using this mask my skin felt extremely soft, nourished and smooth. Over the next few weeks, I will be making masks twice a week to eliminate the dryness.

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